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Tomorrow happens here ...

b-next User Conference 2013

On 11 September 2013, b-next will once again be hosting its 12th annual User Conference, this time under the motto “Tomorrow happens here…“. This exciting event, bringing together managers and specialists from the international user community for the seventh time, will once again be held in Frankfurt’s historic “Literaturhaus”, where international speakers and industry experts will join b-next representatives to discuss what the future holds in the area of Capital Markets Compliance.

Kicking off with a special dinner event the evening before, the b-next User Conference 2013 promises to provide an interesting and useful look at the compliance office of tomorrow. Innovation knows no limits in today’s world, and visions of the future are being translated into reality at a breathtaking pace. You can look forward to a formal programme packed with information you can use and visions of what lies ahead, along with ample opportunity for informal discussion. You will leave with insights that will change the way you think about compliance and trading control.

On behalf of the entire team at b-next, we hope to see you in Frankfurt!

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